100 Pen Drawings

Three pages from my small , 10 X 10cm sketchbook – where I have done a pen drawing once a…

A Sketchbook Challenge

A good friend in th UK suggested we work on a (new) challenge. This time we are creating mini landscapes…

My 100 day pen drawings

I am still enjoying the challenge of doing a small pen drawing a day. I am trying out many different…

The 100 day Challenge

The 100 day challenge started on the 18 February. There are participants all over the world. One commits to do…

Concertina Collage

I have had some fun rummaging through my stash of paper, to find collage materiale for my book pages

A New Concertina Book

The first pages of a new concertina book, inspired by Karen Stamper’s course FREE UP 2. This is going to…


The collage on the right, was a solution to a challenge about contrasts - dark/light – big/small – geometric/organic. The image…